Estate Planning for Single People

We see clients all the time that ask this exact same question.  The answer is always YES!  If you have any assets at all you need an estate plan.

Asset Protection

Just because you are single doesn’t mean you don’t have people or organizations that you love and care about.  If you don’t have an estate plan in place when you die, the state will decide where your assets go.  You are essentially giving up control over who will receive the things you have worked so hard for.  Having an estate plan allows you to keep that control.  You can donate everything you have to a family member, a church, or a charity that you support.

Incapacity Planning

If you are unable to take care of yourself or your affairs someone will have to be court appointed to do so for you.  Having a health care directive and financial power of attorney in place means you are able to choose someone you trust to handle your affairs.  We draft estate plans that help our clients save their loved ones from the time and expense of going through the court system.

Financial Peace of Mind

Having an estate plan allows you to have peace of mind knowing that when you pass, your assets will go to the person/organization of your choosing.  You can have peace knowing that if you become ill, or unable to care for yourself you have someone you love and trust to take care of your affairs.

An estate plan allows you to keep control over the things that you have worked so hard for. Should your life situation change, your estate plan can always be updated to include those changes.